Based On Evidence From Human Brain Development, The Most Successful Method For Helping Children To Develop (2024)

Social Studies High School


Answer 1

Based on proof from human brain development, the most successful technique for helping children to generate appropriate behavior exists to catch them being good and reward them because their brains exist not very good at processing punishment.

What is the most effective way to support a child's brain development?By conversing with, playing with, and taking care of their child, parents and other caregivers can promote healthy brain development. When parents play and converse with their children in turns and focus on their strengths and interests, children learn best. The most significant factors influencing a child's brain development are their interactions with the people in their lives. A child's healthy development depends on having close interactions with dependable, receptive adults. One of the finest ways to encourage a child's brain growth is by reading. The best method to help kids learn appropriate behavior is to talk to them, take care of them, and love them.

Based on proof from human brain development, the most successful technique for helping children to generate appropriate behavior exists to catch them being good and reward them because their brains exist not very good at processing punishment.

To learn more about human brain, refer to:


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Has the power to elicit happiness, joy, pride, fear, sadness and other feelings.
a. logos
b. pathos
c. ethos
d. mythos


Has the power to elicit pleasure, joy, pride, fear, despair and other feelings. b. pathos

James-Lange theory

Pathos Emotions; power to elicit pleasure, joy, pride, patriotism, fear, hate, guilt, pain, hope, hopelessness, resentment, and other feelings

Ethos Ethics; refers to lecturer credibility and makes lecturers worthy of belief

Logos Logic; refers to the sound, factual basis that sustains the speaker's position

What is the feeling theory?

The 'feeling theory of emotion' holds that feelings are to be identified with feelings. An complaint commonly made to that theory of feeling has it that emotions cannot be felt only, as emotions have intended objects.

To know more about James-Lange theory visit the link


How much driving experience must someone have if they are sitting in the front passenger seat while you are driving with your instruction permit?


The correct answer is b: at least 2 years. The person sitting in the front passenger seat must have at least 2 years of driving experience while someone is driving with instruction permit.

A person with an instruction permit may only operate a vehicle when accompanied by one of the following:

1. a front-seat passenger who has two years of driving experience and a valid, normal license (not a probationary or occupational license).

2. an experienced teacher, at least 19 years old. If the vehicle has dual controls, up to three more passengers may go with it.

3. 19 years of age or older; either a parent, guardian, or spouse. The back seat is available for members of the immediate family.

4. someone who is 21 or older. Before accompanying a motorist under the age of 18, this person must be named in writing by a parent or legal guardian.

How much driving experience must someone have if they are sitting in the front passenger seat while you are driving with your instruction permit?

a. At least 1 year.

b. At least 2 years.

c. At least 6 months.

d. At least 3 years.

Learn more about instruction permit here:


Not all methods return a value, but every method requires a return type. a. true b. false


True. Every method needs a return type even though not all of them return values.

What is the return type of a method that returns any value?

A method's return type is specified in the method declaration. The return statement is used in the method's body to return the value. Any method that has the declaration "void" does not return a value and cannot have a return statement. A return statement must be present in every method that is not marked void.

What is the return type of a method?

In computer programming, the data type of the value returned by a subroutine or procedure is defined and constrained by the return type (or result type). The return type must be explicitly stated when declaring a function in many computer languages, particularly statically-typed programming languages like C, C++, and Java.

To learn more about return types visit:


Surf diva, a surf instruction company, finds an unmet need in teaching teenage girls how to surf. the girls that attend its classes are:__________


Surf diva, a surf instruction company, finds an unmet need in teaching teenage girls how to surf. the girls that attend its classes are Customers.

A customer is a person or business that purchases goods or services from another business. Customers are important because they drive sales. Without them, companies cannot continue to exist.

The definition of a customer is a person who purchases products or services at a store, restaurant, or another retail establishment. An example of a customer is someone who goes to an electronics store and buys a television. (informal) A person, especially a person, who interacts with others in some way.

Learn more about Customers here:


You are arrested as a result of your hacking activities and investigators find you have been breaking password files and sharing them across the internet. which law have you violated?


According to the Comprehensive Crime Control Act of 1984, engaging in illicit hacking operations such as destroying password files and spreading them online is a crime punishable by fines.

What is CFAA?

The Comprehensive Crime Control Act of 1984's provision on computer fraud was amended by the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986, a piece of legislation pertaining to cybersecurity in the United States. It is against the law to access a computer without authorization or with more authorization than necessary.

The federal anti-hacking law is known as the CFAA. This law, among other things, makes it unlawful to knowingly access a computer without authorization or with more authorization than necessary. However, the word "without authorization" is not defined in the statute.

What is the purpose of the CFAA?

Computer system abuse is prohibited by the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA), 18 U.S.C. 1030. It relates to cyber security. Federal computers, bank computers, and Internet-connected computers are all protected by it.

To learn more about CFAA refer to:


Harper listens carefully to her instructor as he discusses the upcoming exam since she hopes to get an a. this illustrates what step in the listening process?


Harper listens carefully to her instructor as he discusses the upcoming exam since she hopes to get an a. this illustrates the attending step in the listening process.

The written test is a test in which you answer the test questions in writing. This type of exam is designed to test not only your knowledge but also your ability to organize and present your thoughts under pressure. Essay tests are also used to assess spelling ability.

The best answer is "Don't just paraphrase someone else's idea and demonstrate your own conceptual mastery". You show your knowledge, but note: "Descriptive and factual elements are used effectively in the argument. Essay - Answers must be written down to some length. Students should It serves as a source of information. The essay exam requires you to recognize the importance and significance of what you know. It tests your knowledge and understanding of the topic, as well as your reading and writing skills.

Learn more about exams here


What happens if you get caught cheating on a proctored exam?


The Proctored does not directly penalize candidates for any acts of cheating, we are responsible for ascertaining any attempts to cheat, its severity, and reporting back to the academic institution, instructor, or company.

What is Cheating?

Cheating is considered by most academic institutions as a violation of academic integrity comes with severe consequences in some cases.

Any incidence on Proctored is filed and assigned to one of the 3 levels of urgency. This enables the institution to easily identify the most severe forms of cheating during test-taking and determine the appropriate punishment.

We do not condone cheating in any form in any examination but in the case where we’re caught cheating on a proctored examination by either an AI or a live proctor, it is advisable to simply focus on finishing the test without any further incidence.

Once the test is completed, we can contact our instructor and provide a thorough explanation of the incident before our instructor receives the full report from Proctored.

Keep in mind that proctoring companies only serve to facilitate a secure online test and have little control over the grade a candidate receives. Everything is recorded and instructors can review and verify for themselves if there’s any discrepancy.

Learn more about Cheating on :


________ is the process of tracking evidence from collection to trial and after, when it is returned to its owner or destroyed.


Collection process is the process of tracking evidence from collection to trial and after, when it is returned to its owner or destroyed.

What is collection and preservation of evidence?

When the crime scene has been fully recorded and the locations of the evidence have been identified, the collecting phase may start. Usually, gathering the most fragile or easily lost pieces of evidence comes first in the collecting process. Additionally, any evidence or things that need to be transported might be given special care. The collection process might then carry on logically or along the path taken by the crime scene. If the investigator is uncovering layers of evidence that were previously undocumented because they were concealed from view, further photos should be taken.

The majority of the evidence will be packaged in paper containers such packs, envelopes, and bags. Indestructible, leak-proof containers can be used to transport liquid substances.

To learn more about investigation :


In order to get an animal to perform a complex behavior, we might reinforce successive approximations. this process of reinforcing successive approximations of the desired behavior is called:_____.


In order to get an animal to perform a complex behavior, we might reinforce successive approximations. This process of reinforcing successive approximations of the desired behavior is called shaping.

It is primarily used in experimental analysis of behavior. It was introduced by B.F. Skinner.

It uses differential reinforcement of successive approximations as the method of analysis. It is the closer approximations of behavior at target as set by the trainer.

Shaping is used in training lab animals, and to change behaviors considered to be maladaptive of humans and animals.

It is one of the most important method of behavior analysis in the field of psychology.

To learn more about successive approximations here


According to a study by charness and boot, the ________ plays an increasingly important role in providing access to information and communication for older adults as well as younger adults and youth.


According to a study by charness and boot, the Internet plays an increasingly important role in providing access to information and communication for older adults as well as younger adults and youth.

What is Communication?

Communication is referred to the exchange of information between two individuals in the form of conversation, opinion, suggestion, or advice with the help of medium or direct interaction.

The Internet plays important role in information sharing among adults as well as older adults and comes as means of communicating with them from distant places. It provides access to information about every aspect to gain knowledge.

Learn more about the Internet, here:


After graduation, the Little Rock Nine went on a multi-city tour of the counrty, where they were recognized and celebrated. Which of these events did Melba and the others enjoy


The nine were protected by the 101st Airborne Division (and then the Arkansas National Guard) until they were allowed to enroll at Little Rock Central High at the end of September 1957, but they endured a year of verbal and physical harassment at the hands of many white pupils. In her book Warriors Don't Cry, Melba Pattillo described having acid thrown into her eyes as well as an event in which a group of white girls confined her in a bathroom stall and tried to burn her by dropping flaming paper pieces on her from above. Minnijean Brown, another student, was accosted and verbally abused. Due to this reason Little rock nine went on a multi-city tour of the country.

Nine black students were registered by the NAACP in 1957 to attend Little Rock Central High, which had previously only accepted white students.

The most destructive would be a new transfer system that would permit students to transfer outside of their designated attendance area. The revised Blossom Plan reorganized school districts to ensure that Horace Mann High would have a majority of black students and Hall High would have a majority of white students.

This confirmed the objective of the school board to lessen the effects of desegregation even if black children lived closer to Central and would therefore be sent to Horace Mann.

The revised proposal allowed white students to choose out of Horace Mann but excluded black kids from choosing to attend Hall. After unsuccessful negotiations with the school board, the NAACP expressed its displeasure with this new Blossom Plan.

Learn more about Transfer


What is mapping and give five example of it


Answer: The definition of MAPPING is the act or process of making a map.

Explanation: hope this helps .

Howard company provided the following selected information about its consumer products division for the current year:


With Desired ROI 12% , Net income$361,600 , Residual income $280,000, the division's investment amount of Howard company will be $680000.

Since, Residual Income = Net Income - Investment X desired ROI

thus, putting the values given,

$280000 = $361,600 - Investment X 12%

Investment = [361600 - 280000]/12%

Investment = [81600 * 100] / 12

Investment = $680,000

The question is incomplete, complete question can be found here

Howard Company provided the following selected information about its consumer products division for the current year:

Desired ROI 12%Net income$361,600 Residual income$280,000

Based on this information, the division's investment amount was?

To practice more questions of residual income click here,


Controls cycle the components of an air conditioning system on and off to produce required refrigeration effect __.


Controls cycle the components of an air conditioning system on and off to produce the required refrigeration effect safely, consistently, and automatically.

A refrigerator is a favored domestic appliance to keep food fresh and supply ice and cold water. The compressor is the key component of a refrigerator. It ensures circulation of the refrigerant to all places in the system.

The thermostat is responsible for regulating the cooling process. It monitors the temperature. When it senses that it is sufficiently cold inside the refrigerator, it switches off the compressor. When it begins to heat inside, it turns on the compressor and the cooling process begins again.

To learn more about process of refrigeration:


What would be the proper course of action if a technician accidentally had skin contact with methotrexate?


What would be the proper course of action if a technician accidentally had skin contact with methotrexate: Should wash hands thoroughly with soap and water.

Methotrexate is a type of medicine called an immunosuppressant. It slows down your body's immune system and helps reduce inflammation. It is used to treat inflammatory conditions, including rheumatoid arthritis.

Methotrexate is in a class of medications called antimetabolites. Methotrexate treats cancer by slowing the growth of cancer cells. Methotrexate treats psoriasis by slowing the growth of skin cells to stop scales from forming. Methotrexate may treat rheumatoid arthritis by decreasing the activity of the immune system.

learn more about Methotrexate here


Where is the thirst center that stimulates the conscious desire to drink water located?


The answer is Hypothalamus.

The hypothalamus is a structure deep in your brain. It is the main connecting link between the endocrine system and the nervous system of body.

Why do humans feel thirsty?

The primary "thirst centre" in the brain is the hypothalamus, a deep structure that also regulates body temperature, sleep, and appetite.Special sensors in the hypothalamus constantly monitor the concentration of sodium and other substances in the blood. The hypothalamus also receives input from sensors in the blood vessels that monitor blood volume and pressure. When blood volume or pressure drops too low—for example, because of bleeding or excessive fluid loss through sweat or diarrhea, or when blood sodium levels rise too high because of salty snacks or certain illnesses, the hypothalamus sends a strong message: Drink something.

To learn more about hypothalamus, visit:


Which state entity defines the legal scope and limits of nurses caring for clients?


Nurse practice acts define the legal scope and limits of nurses caring for clients.

Nurses are the caregivers of patients, helping them manage their physical needs, prevent illness, and treat health problems. To do this, patients must be observed and monitored and all relevant information recorded to support treatment decisions.

Nurses help patients and their loved ones cope with and cope with illness, live with illness as needed, and continue with other parts of life. Nurses don't just take care of individuals. You are always at the forefront of medical and public health change. Nurses are innovative.

Learn more about nurses here:

How did the caged bird attitude from a prisoner song change the perspective of the poem?


He caged bird attitude from the prisoner song change the perspective of the poem by just He focused on the freedom of his spirit rather than on his imprisonment.

A German word that corresponding to ghost, spirit, mind or intellect. Psyche is (psychology), a Greek word for the 'soul' or 'spirit' and also used in psychology. Genius (mythology), a Latin word that for a divine spirit present in the every individual person, place, or the thing.

Your spirit is the part of your that is not be physical and that can consists of your character and the feelings. The human spirit is very virtually indestructible. A person is spirit is the nonphysical part of them that is actually believed to be remain alive after their death. His spirit also has left him and all that remains is the shell of his only body.

To know more about imprisonment visit:


What 3 main ideas are in the preamble of the Declaration of Independence?


The 3 main ideas are in the preamble of the Declaration of Independence

(1) God made all men equal and gave them the rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness;

(2) the main business of government is to protect these rights;

(3) if a government tries to withhold these rights, the people are free to revolt .

What is Declaration of Independence?

The Second Continental Congress, which met in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on July 4, 1776, adopted a proclamation and foundational text known as The United States Declaration of Independence, officially The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen United States of America.

On July 4, 1776, the Continental Congress approved the Declaration of Independence, which announced the breakup of the 13 British colonies in North America with Great Britain.

Why did the US declare independence?

There has been extensive scholarly research on the Declaration's origins and interpretation. The Declaration of Independence outlined 27 colonial grievances against King George III and asserted a number of legal and natural rights, including the right to revolution.

To know more about Declaration of Independence visit:


A physician orders aspirin, 325 mg p.o. daily for a client who has experienced a transient ischemic attack (tia). the nurse should teach the client that the physician has ordered this medication to:________


The nurse should teach the client that the physician has ordered this medication to: reduce the chance of blood clot formation

What is aspirin used for?

Nonprescription aspirin is employed to reduce fever and to relieve mild to moderate pain from headaches, menstrual periods, arthritis, toothaches, and muscle aches.

What sort of drug is aspirin?

Aspirin, an acetylated salicylate (acetyl salicylic acid), is assessed among the non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). These agents reduce the signs and symptoms of inflammation and exhibit a broad range of pharmacologic activities, including analgesic, anti pyretic, and antiplatelet properties.

Learn more about aspirin drug:


In the opening case study, the sharp corporation utilized an information system to support ______, resulting in increased innovation and profitability.


In the opening case study, the sharp corporation utilized an information system to support collaboration and teamwork, resulting in increased innovation and profitability.

When a group works as a unit, each member is working independently. Each team member plays a specific role and/or is given a task that advances the broader objective. Without control, cooperation is exceedingly challenging to achieve. Control is a vital component of teamwork. Teams need a leader who is accountable for the team's success while simultaneously holding each member of the team accountable for their particular duties.

A collaborative team functions without a "Leader" since the members are self-managing and don't conceive in terms of silos or "my job is your job." Every time someone isn't working, they all pitch in to finish the job and assist the person. Because someone isn't performing, they don't criticize them or opt to replace them.

In a cooperative organization, leadership depends on the circ*mstances. When and when needed for particular tasks, temporary leaders will emerge.

People are adaptable and quick to follow interim leaders. People that work well together have an emotional attachment to attaining the shared goal, as a group – not as individuals.

Learn more about collaboration and teamwork here:


the location of the place helps in determining which thing of a place?


The location of the place helps in determining the coordinates of longitude and latitude of such place.

What is a location coordinates?

A location coordinates, also known as GPS coordinates means those unique identifier of a precise geographic location on the earth that are most expressed in alphanumeric characters.

These coordinates are points of intersection in a grid system that are usually expressed as the combination of latitude and longitude. The Lines of latitude coordinates measure degrees of distance north and south from the equator, which is 0 degrees and the lines of longitude coordinates are measured according to 90 degrees east and west from that point.

Therefore, the location of the place helps in determining the coordinates of longitude and latitude of such place.

Read more about location coordinates


According to the text, _____ therapy seems to be of minimal effectiveness for those suffering from schizoid personality disorder.


According to the text, drug therapy seems to be of minimal effectiveness for those suffering from schizoid personality disorder, as explained below.

What is schizoid personality disorder?

The schizoid personality disorder is type of of disorder characterized by lack in social interactions and difficulty in expressing emotions or reacting to others.

This type of personality disorder is not responsive to treatment with drugs. However, as it can be accompanied by other problems, such as depression or anxiety, drugs can be used to treat these issues.

Therefore, the best way to complete the sentence is:

According to the text, drug therapy seems to be of minimal effectiveness for those suffering from schizoid personality disorder, as explained below.

Learn more about schizoid personality disorder here:


A school-age child with acute lymphoid leukemia is neutropenic. which etiology would the nurse recognize as the cause of the neutropenia?


The factor that the nurse would find to be responsible for the neutropenia is Increased immature cell growth.

What is meant by neutropenia?

This is the condition that occurs in a person where they would have lower than what is considered the normal amount of white blood cells in the in body. This is called neutrophils, that is the type of white blood cell.

Hence we can say that the The factor that the nurse would find to be responsible for the neutropenia is Increased immature cell growth.

Read more on neutrophils here:


Pr activities related to sporting events and sports teams are primarily intended for which purpose? group of answer choices


Pr activities related to sporting events and sports teams are primarily intended for purpose of B)turning viewers into fans.

Public relations members tools consist of sending out press releases, partnering with the media, the usage of social media correctly, speaking together with your employees, and corporate social duty.

One of the fashions of public relations members is -the manner symmetrical version that's the best and perfect version of the different 3 models, stated by way of James E Grunig. -way symmetrical version is emphasized on talk, whole, and accurate two-manner verbal exchange.

If inner communications are the way you speak the coolest, the horrific, and the unpleasant to your employees, internal PR is the practices and campaigns designed to help employees now not similar to your corporation, however, to love it, so as that they'll then inform other people how excellent it is.

Disclaimer: The question is incomplete. Please read below to find the missing content.

Question: PR activities related to sporting events and sports teams are primarily intended for which purpose?

A)promoting fantasy leagues

B)turning viewers into fans

C)balancing network programs

D)educating viewers about rules

Learn more about Pr activities here


Refrigerant ____ is the process of removing refrigerant from a system and storing it in a cylinder.


Refrigerant Recovery is the process of removing refrigerant from a system and storing it in a cylinder.

The present-day trendy refrigerant combo for residential air conditioners is R-410A, now and again known as Puron, which produces fewer greenhouse gasoline emissions than the previous combination, R-22. As refrigerant transmutes from liquid to fuel again, it absorbs and releases heat. that is how it is capable of cooling down a domestic.

Refrigerant is a compound commonly observed in both fluid and gaseous countries. It without problems absorbs heat from the environment and can offer refrigeration or aircon while mixed with other components consisting of compressors and evaporators.

A refrigerant is a working fluid used within the refrigeration cycle of air conditioning structures and heat pumps wherein in maximum cases they undergo a repeated section transition from a liquid to a gas and lower back once more.

Learn more about refrigerants here


Chapin and colleagues (1994) have described the change in soil properties during succession at glacier bay, alaska. what soil properties decrease during succession?


The soil properties that decrease during succession will be soil will be the phosphorus content, the pH and the bulk density.

How to illustrate the information?

It should be noted that the soil plays an important role in the germination of crops.

From the information, Chapin and colleagues (1994) have described the change in soil properties during succession at glacier bay, alaska.

Therefore, based on the information given, it should be noted that the the soil properties that decrease during succession will be soil will be the phosphorus content, the pH and the bulk density.

Learn more about soil on:


When Juan gets out of the shower he notices that the mirror is all steamed up he also notices that when he drinks iced tea there is moisture on the outside of the glass. Explain Juan,s observations


When Juan is bathing the water vapor is being trapped by the mirror also when she drinks she notices moisture in the outside of the glass. this because the force of adhesion between water molecules and glass is more than force of cohesion in the water molecules

What is force of adhesion?

This is the force of attraction between dissimilar substances. The force of attraction between glass and water is more than the force of attraction between the water molecules.

The glass is also trapping vapor as Juan drinks his iced tea. Hence the ice in the glass cup traps the surrounding water vapor due to the attractive force existing between them

Read more on force of adhesion here:


What is the rationale for the specific rules partnerships must follow in determining a partnership's taxable year-end?


The correct answer is - Option E - Both to minimize the amount of aggregate tax deferral partners receive and to align the year-end of the partnership with the year-end of a majority of the partners.

Specific rules helps the partnerships in determining taxable year.

Basic Rules of Partnership

In order to form Partnership, there must be two or more partners. There should be a contract or we can a partnership deed between themThey should come together and form a partnership with a motive of business and either all of them or any of them will see the business in order to earn profits for all.

To learn more about partnership, visit -


The u.n. uses the population of the entire urban agglomeration to define a metacity. what are the metacities of south asia?


Delhi and Mumbai are the metacities of south asia.

For us, the term "metacity" refers to the proliferation of new kinds of urbanization, each with unique 20 ecological and social characteristics, and not just big urban agglomerations, as was the case when UN-HABITAT first used it to describe hyper-18 cities of over twenty million inhabitants.

Together with 21 brand-new virtual communication and social networking technologies, these diverse urban layouts create a new meta-22 infrastructure that exists in all modern cities. The global transition from hygienic to sustainable urban models can be facilitated by this new metacity, which has the potential to incorporate 23 new activist forms of ecological and urban design study and activity.

Thus, Delhi and Mumbai are the metacities of south asia.

To know more about South Asia refer:


Based On Evidence From Human Brain Development, The Most Successful Method For Helping Children To Develop (2024)


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Name: Duane Harber

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Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.